
Feedback from Doctors and Nurses


Franklin Johnson DO, Chief OB, San Antonio Regional Hospital.

•Laborpals increase the safety of the patient and nursing staff.

•Allows patients to hold her own legs when pushing especially if an epideral is in place.

–The more effective the push, the safer the delivery.

–Nurse is able to coach the patient better not having to focus on holding the patients legs.

–Facilitates natural & safer body mechanics for patient as well as the nurse.

Delivery time decreases.

Dr. Toni Vu Do, OB-GYN. Care for women’s medical group, Upland California


–Less time in labor & delivery, reduces time holding up a room.

–Less workplace injury

–Decrease C/Section rate

•Helps patient push effectively and deliver vaginally

•Safer for nurses, do not have to hold up legs which puts a lot of stress on their shoulders, wrists,elbows decreasing nurse injury rate.

•Patient uses her own strength to push.

•Laborpals decreases delivery time by 30 minutes to one hour, therefore faster turnaround of the delivery room.

•Helps staff with chronic repetitive motion.